www.sare.org resources the-northeast-organic-grower-harvest-manual The Northeast Organic Grower Harvest Manual A manual created by Roxbury Farm Harvest to help commercial, organic vegetable farmers with parameters on pricing, harvest indicators, harvest and postharvest handling procedures, and storage conditions. Each vegetable has...
www.sare.org resources transitioning-to-organic-production Transitioning to Organic Production Farmers and ranchers decide to pursue organic certification for many personal, financial and environmental reasons. This publication introduces you to the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program and outlines...
www.sare.org resources manage-weeds-on-your-farm Manage Weeds On Your Farm Manage Weeds on Your Farm is a definitive guide to understanding agricultural weeds and how to manage them efficiently, effectively and ecologically—for organic and conventional farmers alike. With the growing...
www.sare.org resources building-soils-for-better-crops Building Soils for Better Crops The 4th edition of Building Soils for Better Crops is a one-of-a-kind, practical guide to ecological soil management. It provides step-by-step information on soil-improving practices as well as in-depth background—from what...
www.sare.org resources a-whole-farm-approach-to-managing-pests A Whole Farm Approach to Managing Pests This 16-page bulletin helps producers—and the educators who work with them—use ecological principles to design farm-wide approaches to control pests. It lays out basic ecological principles for managing pests and suggests...
www.sare.org resources how-to-conduct-research-on-your-farm-or-ranch How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch This 32-page Ag Innovations Series technical bulletin provides detailed instruction for crop and livestock producers, as well as educators, on how to conduct research at the farm level using practical...
www.sare.org resources special-topics-with-cover-crops-and-soil-health Special Topics with Cover Crops and Soil Health Session recordings on this page include: Organic and Specialty Crops Grazing Cover Crops Soil Health Policy Issues Organic and Specialty Crops Weed control in organic soybeans is notoriously difficult. Clean...
www.sare.org resources national-continuing-education-program National Continuing Education Program Welcome to the national continuing education program in sustainable agriculture presented by SARE. This program is designed primarily for Cooperative Extension and Natural Resource Conservation Service personnel, and is also...
www.sare.org resources cover-crop-innovators-video-series Cover Crop Innovators Video Series Explore videos of farmers around the country who are using cover crops on their land. You can watch our entire Cover Crop Innovator series on our YouTube channel. To find...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops Cover Crops for Sustainable Crop Rotations A condensed version of this page is available as a four-page PDF, Cover Crops for Sustainable Crop Rotations, or use the Order in Print button on this page to order free...
www.sare.org resources organic-transition Organic Transition Organic food is a booming business. The profit potential—along with other rewards—has farmers, ranchers and food business owners across the country considering the switch to organic production. But successfully managing...
www.sare.org resources farmdata FARMDATA FARMDATA is an online database system for inputting and reporting crop production records, particularly for organic vegetable growers. This system includes production records such as seeding, transplanting, harvest, cover crop,...
www.sare.org resources sustainable-pest-management-in-greenhouses-and-high-tunnels Sustainable Pest Management in Greenhouses and High Tunnels Growers using greenhouses in which temperature, light and relative humidity are controlled have relied for many years on releases of natural enemies to manage aphids, thrips and two-spotted spider mites....
www.sare.org resources the-small-ruminant-toolbox The Small Ruminant Toolbox Sheep and goat enterprises offer diversification opportunities for small and limited-resource farmers. This Small Ruminant Toolbox was developed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) in order to provide...
www.sare.org resources building-sustainable-farms-ranches-and-communities Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture. Specifically, it addresses program...
www.sare.org resources grafting-for-disease-management-in-organic-tomato-production Grafting for Disease Management in Organic Tomato Production Come learn about tomato grafting and how it can be utilized to manage diseases in organic open-field and high tunnel systems. Frank Louws of North Carolina State University and Cary...
www.sare.org resources the-organic-seed-grower The Organic Seed Grower The Organic Seed Grower is a comprehensive manual for the serious vegetable grower who is interested in growing high-quality seeds using organic farming practices. It is written for both serious...
www.sare.org resources organic-seed-soils-and-sustainable-business Organic Seed, Soils and Sustainable Business This project provided agricultural professionals with more knowledge of organic seed, soil management and sustainable business practices. From the trainings, a webinar and tutorial were developed. Webinar participants can expect...
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-and-no-till-management-for-organic-systems Cover Crops and No-Till Management for Organic Systems This Rodale Institute fact sheet reviews the use of cover crops and no-till in organic systems, including selection, establishment and mechanical termination of cover crops; crop rotations; and energy and...
www.sare.org resources tomato-grafting-for-disease-resistance-and-increased-productivity Tomato Grafting for Disease Resistance and Increased Productivity Researchers around the world have demonstrated that grafting can protect plants against a variety of soil-borne diseases in various climates and conditions. Grafting has been successfully implemented in many countries...