resources on-farm-energy-production-biofuels On-Farm Energy Production - Biofuels The On Farm Energy Production Curriculum Series topics include: Bioenergy Feedstock Production | Biodiesel and Straight Vegetable Oil | Biogas | Wood and Grass Pellets... resources on-farm-energy-efficiency On-Farm Energy Efficiency This curriculum module covers the fundamentals of energy systems. Basic thermodynamics, heat transfer, energy conversion processes and discussion of energy efficiency and specific applications on farms are addressed. Topics include:... resources on-farm-smart-energy-buying-and-use On-Farm Smart Energy Buying and Use This is part of the Farm Energy IQ Curriculum Series. With the understanding of deregulated energy markets and having an option to buy energy at less expensive times of the... resources dreaming-of-local-lemons-solar-energy-virtual-tour Dreaming of Local Lemons: Solar Energy Virtual Tour Summit Naturals Organic Farm has a high tunnel and greenhouse, whose active solar heating systems allow them to grow greens throughout the winter and tropical fruits such as oranges, lemons, pineapples... resources powering-your-farm-off-the-grid Powering Your Farm Off-the-Grid Is it possible to operate a farm off-the-grid, and what are the challenges and opportunities? Raymond Luhrman will take you on a virtual tour of Fox Creek Farm and describe... resources reading-the-farm Reading the Farm This guide to Reading the Farm brings together educators and experts who learn to share knowledge and insights in the context of working, real-world farms. How to plan and run... resources thirsty-livestock-use-sun-or-wind-to-power-a-remote-watering-system Thirsty Livestock? Use Sun or Wind to Power a Remote Watering System Are you getting tired of hauling water to livestock in remote pastures? Jonathan Barter will show us the renewable energy powered watering system on his 210 acre livestock farm. This... resources the-savonius-rotor The Savonius Rotor One farmer's prototype of a silo-mounted augmented Savonius wind turbine that can deliver substantial power output, yet is inexpensive and simple enough in its construction, installation, and electrical engineering to... resources on-farm-research On-Farm Research On-farm research is an excellent approach to gaining confidence in current management practices or to help identify the need for a change.... resources farmers-market-managers-training-manual Farmers Market Managers Training Manual Recent growth in the number of farmers market startups across New York State and the rest of the country has community and economic benefit, but new markets experience only a... resources living-on-the-land Living on the Land Living on the Land is one of the most comprehensive and adaptable curricula in the country for training natural resource professionals to, in turn, teach small-acreage landowners how to care...