resources how-alive-is-my-soil How Alive is My Soil? This guide presents soil testing methods that can be performed in the field by farmers, gardeners, or anyone who desires to understand and appreciate soil from a different perspective. While these tests aren’t intended to be a replacement for sending soil to a lab, they can be considered complementary to annual or biannual lab analysis. resources supporting-relationships-for-farm-success Supporting Relationships for Farm Success It is not uncommon that the barriers to implementing changes on the farm are not related to production or marketing but rather interpersonal or "non-technical" issues like effective communication, decision-making, goal setting and time management. This toolkit was created by Dr. Leslie Forstadt, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, and Abby Sadauckas, Apple Creek Farm, as […] resources implementing-a-food-safety-system-for-small-scale-and-raw-milk-cheese-plants Implementing a Food Safety System for Small-Scale and Raw Milk Cheese Plants The purpose of this guide is to assist small-scale and raw milk cheesemakers in conducting Hazard Analyses of their processes to ensure they are producing the safest product possible and to meet the requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The author, Dr. Kerry E. Kaylegian of the Pennsylvania State University, created this resource […] resources forage-brassicas Forage Brassicas Forage Brassicas are annual crops that can grazed during the spring, summer and fall to extend the grazing season. This fact sheet provides an overview to establish and graze kale, rape, radish, swede and turnip. resources considerations-and-recommendations-when-establishing-custom-grazing-relationships Considerations and Recommendations When Establishing Custom Grazing Relationships This guide and set of recommendations are intended for organic dairy farmers and other livestock graziers interested in starting a custom grazing relationship with a neighboring farmer or landowner. Successful custom grazing can provide or increase grazing acreage for those farmers who need it and can also provide opportunities for smaller, beginning, leased, and diversified […] resources integrated-fly-management-for-pastured-cattle Integrated Fly Management for Pastured Cattle In grazing systems, flies can not only be a nuisance for cattle but can also cause herd health problems like pink eye, and reduce milk production and weight gain. Matt Steiman, livestock manager at Dickinson College Farm worked with Dr. Jason Smith, entomologist and horticultural specialist at Milton Hershey School to develop this fact sheet […] resources managing-staph-aureus-on-the-organic-dairy Managing Staph aureus on the Organic Dairy Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that causes mastitis in dairy cattle. Staph aureus mastitis is highly contagious and can easily spread among the herd. Organic dairy farmer Katie Webb Clark conducted a Northeast SARE Farmer Grant project to test milking hygiene and preventative management protocols used in the U.S. and New Zealand, trialed Manuka honey […] resources cornell-soil-health-assessment Cornell Soil Health Assessment The Cornell soil health assessment was created to help farmers develop appropriate management solutions to build healthy soils. Visit the Cornell soil health website to find more information about the assessment, Cornell's soil health testing services, and a training manual that provides a how-to guide for soil sampling and guidelines on how to conduct your own soil […] resources vermont-food-education-every-day Vermont Food Education Every Day Through a Northeast SARE Research and Education grant, Vermont Food Education Every Day (FEED) produced two guides for farmers and school food service personnel to help build farm to school programs in Vermont. The Guide for Using Local Foods in Schools includes a step-by-step process for starting local purchasing in schools, success stories about farm to […] resources livestock-marketing-channel-assessment-tool Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool The Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool (LMCAT) was developed by Cornell Agricultural Marketing Specialist Matthew LeRoux based on case studies that he completed on four New York farms. The LMCAT helps livestock producers evaluate and improve their marketing so that they know which marketing channels are most profitable. The tool will also help producers formulate the price […] resources northeast-agritourism-collaboration Northeast Agritourism Collaboration This Northeast Agritourism Collaboration website, hosted by the University of Vermont, supports farmers and ranchers interested in entering the agritourism business by sharing best practices and resources available in the Northeast. resources agricultural-conservation-leasing-guide Agricultural Conservation Leasing Guide This bulletin, authored by Sarah Everhart of the University of Maryland Francis K. Carey School of Law, provides guidance to farmers, landowners and agricultural service providers interested in lease agreements to help implement stewardship planning and conservation practices on leased land. The publication describes many popular conservation programs and considerations for how they might be […] resources reversing-the-downward-trend Reversing the Downward Trend Farmers across the Northeast have reported decreases in consumer participation at farmers' markets and reduced sales. This toolkit was developed as a result of survey research that looked at consumer perceptions of shopping at farmers' markets. The publication provides information on marketing strategies and services aimed to help farmers' market managers and farmers understand what […] resources a-practical-guide-to-no-till-and-cover-crops-in-the-mid-atlantic A Practical Guide to No-Till and Cover Crops in the Mid-Atlantic No-till and cover crops are among the most cost effective tools to reverse soil and carbon loss and improve soil health; the economic, agronomic and environmental benefits of these practices are well known within the farming community. Transitioning from conventional farming to no-till, and incorporating the use of cover crops, requires a higher level of […] resources new-york-cover-crops-decision-tool New York Cover Crops Decision Tool This is an online tool to help you quickly narrow the choices of cover crop for your situation. In a few seconds, you will have growing instructions for the cover crop that will do the job you need. Access the Cover Crops Decision Tool now. It is designed for the soil, climate, cropping practices and […] resources nutrient-management-in-corn-production Nutrient Management in Corn Production The following Cornell University agronomy fact sheets were developed during a 2009 SARE grant to help farmers and educators better evaluate nutrient cycling in corn production, thereby equipping them with information to make improved whole-farm management decisions: Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test for Corn, fact sheet 36 Fine-Tuning Nitrogen Use on Corn, fact sheet 63 Adaptive […] resources crediting-cover-crops-and-soil-organic-matter-in-a-variable-rate-nitrogen-fertilizer-prescription Crediting Cover Crops and Soil Organic Matter in a Variable Rate Nitrogen Fertilizer Prescription Crop growth depends on available nitrogen (N) in the soil, much of which comes from mineralization of soil organic matter and other organic residues, such as cover crops. The amount of mineralized N available to a crop depends on several biological and environmental factors such as temperature, moisture, soil texture, the total quantity of organic […] resources pastured-rabbit-for-profit Pastured Rabbit for Profit Pastured Rabbit for Profit is a guide written by New York farmer Nichki Carangelo. It is a practical resource intended to guide farmers through the start-up phase of a pasture-based rabbitry. It includes a full enterprise budget along with housing plans, sample breeding schedules, feed guidelines and other rabbit husbandry basics. Chapters include: resources racial-equity-toolkit Racial Equity Toolkit This toolkit was developed by the Caitlin Arnold and the National Young Farmers Coalition as part of a Northeast SARE Partnership Project to train farmers interested in confronting and dismantling racism and inequity in Northeast farm and food systems. The project and this toolkit were initiated in response to requests from majority white Coalition chapters […] resources log-based-shiitake-cultivation Log-Based Shiitake Cultivation A useful guide to tree selection, inoculation, and accounting for environmental factors like shade, humidity, and waxing the logs to keep out other kinds of fungi.