The grants summary includes a project highlight, a breakdown of funding by SARE project type, the total funding for the state since 1988 and state grant recipients.
Northeast SARE’s network of state coordinators--housed at each land grant university throughout the region--conduct professional development programs and share information about our grant programs and other sustainable agriculture resources in their respective states.
Rachel coordinates the tri-state SARE program for CT-MA-RI, focusing on providing educational training to both agricultural service providers and farmers in the area of sustainable livestock production practices. Before joining the tri-state team in 2017, Rachel worked in the animal nutrition field at a Connecticut feed mill as well as a local feed retailer. Rachel grew up on a small family farm in Northeast Connecticut, raising beef cattle. She graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science and, in 2011, earned a Master of Science degree in Animal Science with a focus in animal nutrition. Rachel and her husband currently raise beef cattle, poultry and swine for local meat sales on his family's farm in southern Connecticut.
Clem is the director of the University of Massachusetts Extension Agriculture Program. Previously, he was the executive director of Grow Food Northampton, a non-profit that promotes food security by advancing sustainable agriculture in Massachusetts, and also spent 10 years as program director for the Trust for Public Land where he managed the Connecticut River and Community Agriculture programs. Clem has a Master’s degree in public policy and administration from the University of Massachusetts and a Bachelor of Science degree in the Soil Environment from UC Berkeley. He grew up on a Vermont maple farm, and spent time in his early career as a small-scale vegetable farmer in Vermont and farmers’ market manager in California.
SARE in Massachusetts
Since 1988, SARE has awarded numerous grants in every state and Island Protectorate. Aimed at advancing sustainable innovations, these grants add up to an impressive portfolio of sustainable agriculture efforts across the nation.
Hops at Four Star Farms in Northfield, MA.
massachusetts Impacts
$11.1 million
in funding since 1988*
272 projects
funded since 1988*
* These totals reflect available data; complete information may not be available for all grant programs prior to 2016.
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program is inviting farmers and growers to submit proposals to its Farmer Grant Program. Proposals are due online by 5 p.m. on Nov. 16 for projects starting next spring. Funded projects, which are capped at $30,000, will be announced in late February 2022. The call for proposals, […]