2025 Farmer Grant Question and Answer Sessions

October 9, 2024

The Call for 2025 Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Farmer Grants is now available. Approximately $850,000 has been allocated to fund projects. Awards of up to $30,000 are available and proposals are due no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on November 12, 2024.

Q&A Sessions are taking place alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays in October. Register once to attend any of the sessions.

Sessions will take place on: Oct 8, 16, 22, 30. from 12 to 1 EST

Here are the questions asked so far during the 2025 Farmer Grant Call for Proposals Q&A sessions:


Can the grant pay to create equipment for processing that can be used by other farmers?

Northeast SARE will pay for equipment that is essential to the project activities. If it is equipment that you are building, we can pay for the materials to build it. If you're buying equipment that has a use after the project is completed, you will have to pro-rate it. Most ag equipment has a useful life of five years, so depending on the length of your project, you can request a portion of the cost of the equipment, based on it's useful life and the length of your project. 

Can the farmer "pay themselves" for their time? 

Yes! We highly encourage all farmers and others involved in the project to be paid for their time. We don't have a recommended or required rate, but Northeast SARE compensates farmers who serve on our review panels at  $51.60 per hour. 

Can we pay the advisors?

Yes, technical advisors and any collaborators or participants can be compensated for their time. 

If your proposal is approved, can you alter your budget during the project?

You can change your budget after it is awarded. You will need to contact the grant administrator before spending the funds on any expenses that were not included in the original budget. So long as the request is reasonable and still serves the intended objective of the project, the administrator will approve the changes to the budget. 

Technical Advisor

Does the technical advisor need to be with agricultural Extension?

No, they can be anyone with strong experience in the area of your project. For example, a farmer with a lot of experience using a specific technique, a business advisor, a marketing specialist, etc.

Should collaborators submit letters of support?

Yes, any collaborators and your technical advisor should all submit letters of support. 

How many technical advisors can we have?

You must have one person that is identified as the main technical advisor. However, you can have additional collaborators who act as advisors to you. There is no limit on the number of collaborators a project can have, and reviewers like to see a strong project team. 

Is there a form letter we can use for the technical advisor?

We don't have a form letter. We want the technical advisor to authentically share their experience and their role in the project. 

We are developing a machine as our project. Can the technical advisor be the person who is helping build the machine?

It could be the person who is helping build the machine, or it could be someone else who is advising and supporting you. You just need to make sure the technical advisor has experience to help support your project. 

Farmer Eligibility

What is the definition of a farm?

See our definition of a farm document here: [LINK]. To be eligible, a farm must have produced and sold (or would have sold) $1000 worth of agricultural products in the previous year. The project leader can be a farm owner or farm employee. Farm employees will need to fill out the grant commitment form and get authorization from the farm owner or organization.

We are running a small farm at a veteran's hospital. We are a non-profit. We started by donating produce, not selling it. Are we eligible as a farm?

You do not actually need to sell the $1000 of produce. Donation or barter is acceptable, as long as you have records of how much you're donating--for example pounds of produce donated that has an estimated dollar value over $1,000. 

What financial documents do you need to support past sales?

You don't need to provide any financial documents with your application. When you submit your application, you are attesting to meeting the definition of a farm. 

We produce mead from honey, but we do not raise the honey ourselves. Are we farmers?

Because you do not produce the honey or any other agricultural products, you wouldn't be eligible as a farmer, so you couldn't apply to the farmer grant. You could apply for a partnership grant in the spring when that application opens, and one or more of the farmers you buy honey from could be your partner(s). 

If I have received a grant in the past, can I apply again?

Yes, so long as your previous grant is in good standing (aka completed or current with reporting) you are eligible.

If a non-profit is starting an urban ag farm, is that eligible?

The Project Leader must own or work on an existing farm, but they can partner with others who do not yet have a farm. Northeast SARE cannot fund the establishment of a new farm. We can fund model projects that focus on generating knowledge to help other beginning farms. 

Is growing and selling seedlings in a greenhouse considered a farmer?

Yes, seedlings are an agricultural product.

If the farm is owned by a College, can the College apply for this grant? (it does have >$1000 in commercial sales and is integrated in the region focused on sustainability practices)

Yes. The farm manager/employee could apply and would need to complete a grant commitment form with authorization from the College.

I am a value added farmer. I don't sell my herbs dried. I make products with them.  Am I eligible?

So long as your value added products are made with ag products you grow yourself and are valued over $1,000, you are eligible.

We built a greenhouse in 2024 and have sales under $1000. Are we eligible to apply?

If your total farm sales this year are less than $1000, then you wouldn't qualify. The sales don't all have to come from the greenhouse, you can combine your total farm sales across growing spaces / crops / animals / etc. 

What if the farm's own product AND product from other farms is sold/distributed, e.g. through a food hub? Is that farm eligible to apply?

It's totally fine if you sell your produce through a food hub / along with other farms. Your total value of production must be $1,000 or more, and that can be across different distribution channels and agricultural products.


How much money is available in funding?

Approximately $850,000 has been allocated to fund projects for this year’s Farmer Grants. Awards typically range from $5,000 to the maximum amount of $30,000, depending upon a project’s complexity and duration. We anticipate funding about 30 projects this year. 

Project Eligibility

Is development of a prototype an eligible project type? What costs would be eligible?

Yes, prototype development is eligible. We would pay for the cost of materials and labor to build it. We can also pay for testing it or outreach. Please note that the prototype design would be part of the public domain. 

I specialize in native food crops. We are working on creating new native food cultivars, which is a slow process involving plant breeding. How can we fund long term research?

Because of our funding guidelines, we can only fund projects for up to three years. So we can't fund the longer term pieces, but we could fund a piece of the work--for instance if you want to study germination rates, seedling establishment success, or yields on existing plantings. 

Is developing an app for produce marketing an eligible project idea?

Yes, software development is an eligible project idea. 

Is international collaboration allowed?

The research must be focused on serving farmers in the Northeast region of the US. You can have international collaborators, but you must make a strong case that they are necessary to the project. You would need to show that working with the international partners makes sense financially. 

Are post harvest projects to help develop new markets considered?

Yes, we fund all kinds of topics from production to business, marketing, education, and more.

Related Locations: Northeast