www.sare.org resources growing-new-markets-for-specialty-crops Growing New Markets for Specialty Crops Voices from the Field is a podcast series co-produced by ATTRA and SARE that explores the different ways farmers are working to create new local markets for specialty and niche...
www.sare.org resources best-practices-for-the-sustainable-urban-farm Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm Abu Talib is the director of the Taqwa Community Farm, which he helped establish on a vacant lot in his Bronx neighborhood in 1992. Photo by Preston Keres, USDA For...
www.sare.org resources guide-to-honey-bee-queen-banking Guide to Honey Bee Queen Banking This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of establishing and maintaining a queen bank. The guide starts with the basics and walks the reader through each step to...
www.sare.org resources leaders-in-sustainable-agriculture Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture Featured on America's Heartland SARE partnered with PBS KVIE to produce an episode of RFD-TV's America's Heartland that features four farmers describing their commitment to sustainability, how they plan to meet farming challenges of...
www.sare.org resources manage-weeds-on-your-farm-video-series Manage Weeds on Your Farm Video Series Learn more with the book Manage Weeds on Your Farm. In this series, experienced farmers from around the country talk about how they have found success controlling weeds by following...
www.sare.org resources transitioning-to-organic-production Transitioning to Organic Production Farmers and ranchers decide to pursue organic certification for many personal, financial and environmental reasons. This publication introduces you to the requirements of the USDA National Organic Program and outlines...
www.sare.org resources scaling-up-your-vegetable-farm-for-wholesale-markets Scaling Up Your Vegetable Farm for Wholesale Markets For direct market farmers, expanding your operation to capture local and regional wholesale markets can represent an opportunity. But such a shift brings with it many changes to how you...
www.sare.org resources manage-weeds-on-your-farm Manage Weeds On Your Farm Manage Weeds on Your Farm is a definitive guide to understanding agricultural weeds and how to manage them efficiently, effectively and ecologically—for organic and conventional farmers alike. With the growing...
northeast.sare.org resources implementing-a-food-safety-system-for-small-scale-and-raw-milk-cheese-plants Implementing a Food Safety System for Small-Scale and Raw Milk Cheese Plants The purpose of this guide is to assist small-scale and raw milk cheesemakers in conducting Hazard Analyses of their processes to ensure they are producing the safest product possible and...
northeast.sare.org resources considerations-and-recommendations-when-establishing-custom-grazing-relationships Considerations and Recommendations When Establishing Custom Grazing Relationships This guide and set of recommendations are intended for organic dairy farmers and other livestock graziers interested in starting a custom grazing relationship with a neighboring farmer or landowner. Successful...
northeast.sare.org resources managing-staph-aureus-on-the-organic-dairy Managing Staph aureus on the Organic Dairy Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that causes mastitis in dairy cattle. Staph aureus mastitis is highly contagious and can easily spread among the herd. Organic dairy farmer Katie Webb Clark...
northeast.sare.org resources livestock-marketing-channel-assessment-tool Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool The Livestock Marketing Channel Assessment Tool (LMCAT) was developed by Cornell Agricultural Marketing Specialist Matthew LeRoux based on case studies that he completed on four New York farms. The LMCAT helps livestock...
northeast.sare.org resources northeast-dry-bean-production-guide Northeast Dry Bean Production Guide This guide provides guidance on growing dry beans based on field-based research conducted in 2015 and 2016 on two Northern Vermont farms that trialed 19 varieties of dry beans. The...
northeast.sare.org resources potato-leafhopper-in-dry-beans Potato Leafhopper in Dry Beans As a one-page fact sheet that describes potato leafhopper as a pest in dry beans, this publication provides information on biology, symptoms and management options....
northeast.sare.org resources new-york-cover-crops-decision-tool New York Cover Crops Decision Tool This is an online tool to help you quickly narrow the choices of cover crop for your situation. In a few seconds, you will have growing instructions for the cover...
northeast.sare.org resources canola-production-for-on-farm-energy Canola Production for On-Farm Energy The following production guides, cost calculator and research reports are on canola production, including weed management. They were developed as part of a multi-year research project by University of Vermont...
northeast.sare.org resources sunflower-production-for-on-farm-energy Sunflower Production for On-Farm Energy The following production guides, cost calculator and research reports are on sunflower production, including weed management. They were developed as part of a multi-year research project by University of Vermont...
northeast.sare.org resources predatory-mites-for-organic-thrips-control-in-high-tunnel-cucumbers Predatory Mites for Organic Thrips Control in High Tunnel Cucumbers A presentation of grant-funded research on biological control methods in New York, including cultural practices, plant resistance, grafting, rotations, sprays and beneficials....
northeast.sare.org resources resource-guide-for-organic-insect-and-disease-management Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management Crop management for insects and disease control, photos, fact sheets, and extensive appendices addressing plant resistance, habitats for beneficial insects, trap cropping, and more....
northeast.sare.org resources nutrient-management-in-corn-production Nutrient Management in Corn Production The following Cornell University agronomy fact sheets were developed during a 2009 SARE grant to help farmers and educators better evaluate nutrient cycling in corn production, thereby equipping them with...