The grants summary includes a project highlight, a breakdown of funding by SARE project type, the total funding for the state since 1988 and state grant recipients.
Northeast SARE’s network of state coordinators--housed at each land grant university throughout the region--conduct professional development programs and share information about our grant programs and other sustainable agriculture resources in their respective states.
Violet is a project coordinator at Cornell University's Small Farms Program. She grew up on a 600-acre wildlife preserve in Northeast Pennsylvania. Her passion for agriculture is inspired by her belief that farmers can create thriving ecosystems that produce healthy and abundant food. When an ecosystem thrives, so do farmers, communities and rural economies. Violet has a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Studies from Oberlin College and a Certificate in Ecological Horticulture from the UC Santa Cruz Farm and Garden Program. Prior to joining Cornell's Small Farms Program, she facilitated farm-to-chef sales for a 30-acre organic vegetable farm in the San Francisco Bay area and worked as a farmers' market manager, local foods educator and farm direct-marketing consultant in the Hudson Valley, NY.
SARE in New York
Since 1988, SARE has awarded numerous grants in every state and Island Protectorate. Aimed at advancing sustainable innovations, these grants add up to an impressive portfolio of sustainable agriculture efforts across the nation.
New York Impacts
$26.2 million
in funding since 1988*
645 projects
funded since 1988*
* These totals reflect available data; complete information may not be available for all grant programs prior to 2016.
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program is inviting farmers and growers to submit proposals to its Farmer Grant Program. Proposals are due online by 5 p.m. on Nov. 16 for projects starting next spring. Funded projects, which are capped at $30,000, will be announced in late February 2022. The call for proposals, […]