www.sare.org resources sare-project-impacts-2016-2023 SARE Project Impacts: 2016-2023 Insight for Action Final Report Case Study Map In 2023, the SARE National Reporting, Coordination, and Communications Office (NRCCO) contracted with Insight for Action to conduct a post-project evaluation of...
www.sare.org resources que-es-la-agricultura-sostenible ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1nOrX28QXs&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zqeY4wpozYTWioU2ZtnvGtV&index=1 ¿Qué es la agricultura sostenible? Episodio 1: Un Enfoque Integral de la Sostenibilidad en la Finca. Una forma sencilla de pensar en la agricultura sostenible es que implica producir...
www.sare.org resources guia-del-agricultorn-sobre-estructuras-empresariales Guía del Agricultorn Sobre Estructuras Empresariales Establecer y mantener la correcta estructura empresarial para la operación de su granja sienta las bases para un negocio agrícola estable y resiliente. La formación de una estructura empresarial puede...
www.sare.org resources growing-new-markets-for-specialty-crops Growing New Markets for Specialty Crops Voices from the Field is a podcast series co-produced by ATTRA and SARE that explores the different ways farmers are working to create new local markets for specialty and niche...
www.sare.org resources best-practices-for-the-sustainable-urban-farm Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm Abu Talib is the director of the Taqwa Community Farm, which he helped establish on a vacant lot in his Bronx neighborhood in 1992. Photo by Preston Keres, USDA For...
www.sare.org resources farm-education-for-the-deaf-community-introduction-american-sign-language Farm Education for the Deaf Community—Introduction (American Sign Language) In this video, Monu introduces the video series created to provide farm education to the deaf community. The series is available in both in American Sign Language and Nepali Sign...
www.sare.org resources what-is-sustainable-agriculture What is Sustainable Agriculture? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iloAQmroRK0&list=PLWlltQ6Oy0zpgxVhd2vZqTDvVXpPhSVd0 Episode 1 of our video series What is Sustainable Agriculture? takes a look at the whole farm approach to sustainability and illustrates how cover crops, conservation tillage, ecological pest...
www.sare.org resources leaders-in-sustainable-agriculture Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture Featured on America's Heartland SARE partnered with PBS KVIE to produce an episode of RFD-TV's America's Heartland that features four farmers describing their commitment to sustainability, how they plan to meet farming challenges of...
www.sare.org resources managing-stress Managing Stress Farming and ranching are stressful businesses. One key metric of a farm's sustainability is its capacity to provide a quality of life that meets one of our most basic human...
www.sare.org resources scaling-up-your-vegetable-farm-for-wholesale-markets Scaling Up Your Vegetable Farm for Wholesale Markets For direct market farmers, expanding your operation to capture local and regional wholesale markets can represent an opportunity. But such a shift brings with it many changes to how you...
www.sare.org resources reaching-women-in-agriculture-a-guide-to-virtual-engagement Reaching Women in Agriculture: A Guide to Virtual Engagement This guide brings together information, tips and tools to deliver effective and engaging online (and hybrid) education for farm and ranch women on topics related to farm viability, resilience and...
www.sare.org resources understanding-and-measuring-social-sustainability Understanding and Measuring Social Sustainability What is social sustainability? Social sustainability involves a focus on the well-being of people and communities. Just as sustainable agriculture promotes long-term ecological health and economic vitality, it also contributes...
northeast.sare.org resources supporting-relationships-for-farm-success Supporting Relationships for Farm Success It is not uncommon that the barriers to implementing changes on the farm are not related to production or marketing but rather interpersonal or "non-technical" issues like effective communication, decision-making,...
northeast.sare.org resources vermont-food-education-every-day Vermont Food Education Every Day Through a Northeast SARE Research and Education grant, Vermont Food Education Every Day (FEED) produced two guides for farmers and school food service personnel to help build farm to school programs...
northeast.sare.org resources reversing-the-downward-trend Reversing the Downward Trend Farmers across the Northeast have reported decreases in consumer participation at farmers' markets and reduced sales. This toolkit was developed as a result of survey research that looked at consumer...
northeast.sare.org resources evaluation-of-the-intervale-center-food-hub Evaluation of the Intervale Center Food Hub From 2007 to 2010, the Intervale Food Hub grew from a research project to a food hub with 21 participating farms, grossing $280,000 in total and returning 70 percent to participating...
northeast.sare.org resources farm-to-school-training-toolkit Farm to School Training Toolkit Farm to School in the Northeast is a training toolkit that provides information and resources for extension educators and other community leaders involved in starting a farm to school program....
northeast.sare.org resources guide-to-financing-community-supported-farms Guide to Financing Community Supported Farms Since it is not always easy to obtain loans from traditional financing sources, farmers are exploring alternative funding opportunities to meet their needs. Unconventional financial arrangements, which are new to...
northeast.sare.org resources cheshire-labor-and-infrastructure-needs-assessment Cheshire Labor and Infrastructure Needs Assessment In 2011, New Hampshire's Cheshire County Conservation District explored the labor and infrastructure needs for farms in the county to provide farmers, agricultural service providers and community members with the...
northeast.sare.org resources case-studies-on-setting-up-microloans Case Studies on Setting Up Microloans According to a study conducted by The Carrot Project, 25 percent of farmers that request financing are denied access to credit needed for start-up and expansion costs. In 2009 and...