Showing 21-40 of 75 results

Farmer Grant Questions and Answers
During the recent Farmer Grant Webinar, Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) was delighted to receive dozens of questions from participants interested in applying for a Northeast SARE Farmer Grant. Since there was not enough time during the webinar to answer all of the questions, Grant Coordinator Candice Huber reached out directly to anyone […]

View the 2023 Farmer Grants Webinar
The full recording of the 2023 Farmer Grants Webinar, featuring Grant Coordinator Candice Huber and multiple Farmer Grant recipient Tommye Lou Rafes, is now available. A list of additional questions and answers is available here: Subscribe to our YouTube page to stay up-to-date on all of the latest Northeast SARE videos.
The 2022 Partnership Grant Projects
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) is pleased to announce the Partnership Grant projects recommended for funding for 2022. Twenty-four projects were recommended for funding, for a total of $652,414. Connecticut Christine Georgakakos of University of Connecticut was awarded $29,057 for the project, “Pairing Residues, Resistance Genes and Microbial Community Structure to Understand Off-Farm […]
Congratulations 2022 Graduate Student Research Grantees
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) is pleased to announce the Graduate Student Research Grant projects recommended for funding for 2022. Thirty-one projects were selected for a total of $458,042. Connecticut Katherine Michels and advisor Amity Doolittle of Yale University were awarded $14,999 for the project, "Vermont Farmers’ Land Ethics: Stories from the Ground […]

Upcoming Farmer Grant Webinar
Multiple Northeast SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) grant recipient Tommye Lou Rafes, of T.L. Fruits and Vegetables in West Virginia, is sharing her experiences to help other farmers experiment with new ideas through the Farmer Grant program. At noon on October 4th, 2022, Rafes will join Northeast SARE Grant Coordinator Candice Huber for an informational webinar […]

Farmer Grant Call Now Open
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Calling for 2023 Farmer Grant Proposals The Call for 2023 Northeast SARE Farmer Grants is now available. Approximately $750,000 has been allocated to fund projects for this grant cycle. Awards typically range from $5,000 to $30,000, depending upon a project’s complexity and duration. The online system for submitting […]

AC Approves Pause to Redesign Programs
Northeast SARE’s Administrative Council has approved a one-year pause in five of our seven regional grant programs. The purpose of the pause is to increase our capacity to work on implementation of Northeast SARE's strategic plan. The following four grant programs will pause by not releasing calls for proposals in 2023: Partnership, Professional Development, Research […]

The Horsepower of a Raindrop
Soil Health Field Day Features Practical Demonstrations and Hands-on Learning On June 21st, 2022, a field day took place at the University of Massachusetts Crop and Animal Research Education Farm. Professional Development Grant Program Coordinator Katie Campbell-Nelson was glad to be among the attendees after a long break in such in-person events. The field day was […]

Previous Projects With Powerful Preproposals
Northeast SARE's 2023 Large Grant Webinar features information on how to write a strong preproposal As part of the 2023 Large Grant Webinar, coordinators highlighted specific projects to explore what factors contribute to the success of a Northeast SARE grant. Research for Novel Approaches Grant Coordinator Kali McPeters discussed project LNE22-456R, Culturally Meaningful, Regionally Adapted […]

Webinar Connects Applicants with Answers and Best Practices
Northeast SARE’s recent 2023 Large Grants Webinar featured information about three Northeast SARE grant programs: Research and Education, Research for Novel Approaches, and Professional Development. Speakers included Associate Director Heather Omand; Grant Coordinators Nevin Dawson, Kali McPeters, and Katie Campbell-Nelson; as well as grantee and current Administrative Council (AC) member, Kwame Matthews. The event was […]

Solar-Clips Series Shines Light on Photovoltaics
University of Maryland extension has created a catalogue of videos that are a great resource for farmers or anyone else looking to install solar panels Northeast SARE grantees share their experience, insights, and stories in a variety of ways. As project leader for ENE20-165, Drew Schiavone from University of Maryland went above and beyond to […]

Forest Farming Best Practices
Wild and wild appearing ginseng is up to 100 times more valuable than alternatives grown under shade cloths. GNE19-221 investigated strategies for wild-simulated forest planting for ginseng, where forest farmers introduce ginseng to an area and allow it to grow with little intervention. The project, conducted by graduate student Karam Sheban with faculty advisor Marlyse […]

New Possibilities for Producer Cooperatives
Northeast SARE Partnership Grant project explores producer cooperatives Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) recently released a case study of two long-standing producer marketing cooperatives. Over the course of more than two years as part of Northeast SARE Partnership Project ONE19-332, CISA provided in-depth support to Our Family Farms (OFF) and The Pioneer Valley Grower’s […]

Northeast SARE Administrative Council Approves $5.8M for 62 projects
The Administrative Council of the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program recently approved $5.8 million in funding to support 62 projects to conduct applied research, farmer education and farm advisor training to strengthen sustainable agriculture throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Northeast SARE offers six different grant programs for farmers, educators, service providers, researchers […]

November-December 2021 Innovations Newsletter Features Urban Farming Projects
Check out our latest Innovations newsletter that features recently funded urban agriculture projects, open staff positions and a call to farmers interested in serving on Northeast SARE's Administrative Council.

Northeast SARE awards $708,591 in grants to work in partnership with farmers
Northeast SARE's Administrative Council recently awarded 27 Partnership Grant proposals for the 2021 grant cycle, totaling $708,591. These projects are now underway with the goal of working in direct partnerships with farmers to encourage innovative solutions to current sustainability challenges related to production, marketing, and/or farmer and community well-being in Northeast farming and food systems. […]

Graduate students receive Northeast SARE grants to conduct sustainable agriculture research
Twenty-eight students from around the Northeast were recently awarded grants by Northeast SARE to conduct sustainable agriculture research. Graduate students at any accredited Northeast university, college or veterinary school were invited to submit proposals to Northeast SARE's Graduate Student Research Grant Program. The program funds graduate student research focused on sustainable agriculture using either or […]

Farmers Invited to Apply for Sustainable Ag Grants
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program is inviting farmers and growers to submit proposals to its Farmer Grant Program. Proposals are due online by 5 p.m. on Nov. 16 for projects starting next spring. Funded projects, which are capped at $30,000, will be announced in late February 2022. The call for proposals, […]

New Edition of "Building Soils for Better Crops" Now Available
The fourth edition of SARE’s most popular book, Building Soils for Better Crops: Ecological Management for Healthy Soils, is now available online and in print. The book covers everything from soil organic matter and nutrient cycles to ecological soil management including sections on cover crops, compost, reduced tillage, addressing fertility issues and more. Building Soils […]

Northeast SARE Now Accepting Preproposals for 2022 Projects
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program is seeking preproposals for three grant programs: Research and Education, Professional Development and Research for Novel Approaches. Grants are aimed at improving sustainable agriculture and local food systems throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Preproposals, which capture the preliminary project concept, are required for each grant program […]