Showing 41-60 of 75 results

Annual Report Looks Back at 2020 and Looks Up to the Future
Northeast SARE has published its annual report for 2020. The report includes a piece from director Vern Grubinger called, "Looking up – for Sustainability". It highlights funded projects representing each of Northeast SARE's six competitive grant programs, and lists the 111 projects awarded in 2020.

Northeast SARE Announces 2021 Farmer Grant Awards
The Administrative Council of the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program is pleased to announce that it has recently approved 29 Farmer Grant projects for funding, totaling $352,241. The Farmer Grant Program funds farmers to explore new ideas in sustainable agriculture on production, marketing, labor, farm succession, social capital and other topics. Projects […]

Spiders Provide Conservation Biological Control on Farms
Spiders were the focus of a Northeast SARE Graduate Student Research Grant project conducted by University of Maryland student Dylan Kutz. Kutz was interested in studying these undervalued yet important sources of natural insect control. He said, “Spiders are the most abundant natural enemy that occur in most agroecosystems and are estimated to globally consume […]

Webinar provides overview of Partnership Grant program
Northeast SARE grant coordinator Candice Huber provided information on the Partnership Grant program in a webinar held on March 2, 2021. She covered who is eligible and how to apply, topics that have been funded and how grant funds can and cannot be used. Candice also offered tips for writing a strong proposal and what […]

New Online Tool Helps Farmers Make Cover Crop Decisions
The Northeast Cover Crops Council (NECCC) recently released an online tool designed to support farm decision-making around cover crops. The Cover Crop Decision Support Tool is available at no cost at: It includes a Cover Crop Explorer that provides in-depth information on more than 35 cover crop species. It also has a Species Selector […]

Graduate Students Encouraged to Apply for Northeast SARE Grants
Graduate students at any accredited Northeast university, college or veterinary school are invited to submit proposals to the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Graduate Student Research Grant Program. The deadline to apply is April 27 at 5 p.m. The program funds graduate student research focused on sustainable agriculture using either or both natural and […]

Northeast SARE Seeks Proposals that Partner with Farmers
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE) has released its 2021 call for Partnership Grant program proposals. The Partnership Grant program funds projects that work in direct partnership with farmers to encourage innovative solutions to current sustainability challenges related to production, marketing and/or farmer and community well-being in Northeast farming and food systems. […]

Northeast SARE Seeks Candidates for Administrative Council
Update 12/05/2020: The deadline has passed to submit for this year's membership to the Administrative Council but please contact us if you have an interest in serving in the future. Thank you! The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program is seeking individuals to serve on its Administrative Council (AC). The 20-member governance committee […]

Dairy Farm Closes Loop with Improved Compost System
Eric Paris of Tamarlane Farm, a dairy in northeastern Vermont, has been closing the loop on his farm by composting farm waste and community food scraps (about 12 tons per week) to create a valuable fertility source for his farm fields. His Farmer Grant project sought to determine whether a low-cost Aerated Static Pile (ASP) […]

Hudson Valley Farm Applies African Farming Methods to Local Rice Production
Dawn Hoyte and Nfamara Badjie of Ever-Growing Family Farm in Ulster Park, NY received a Farmer Grant to evaluate nursery methods for rice production. Transplants are critical to growing this crop successfully in our region, given the short growing season. Past Farmer Grant research has shown that using a plug-tray nursery method was successful. Badjie, […]

Small-scale Vegetable Operation Explores Solutions to Farming on Marginal Soils
How do small-scale farmers in rural and urban locations farm successfully on marginal soils? Jennifer Wilhelm of Fat Peach Farm in Madbury, NH conducted a Farmer Grant project to find out. Wilhelm had established no-till permanent raised beds on her one-acre mixed vegetable operation and her project investigated weed suppression, soil health and production potential […]

Northeast SARE Invites Applications for Farmer Grant Program
Burlington, Vt.--The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE) is now accepting applications for its Farmer Grant Program. Up to $15,000 is available per project. Applications are due online at 5 p.m. ET on Nov. 17. The Farmer Grant Program funds farmers to enable them to explore new concepts in sustainable agriculture on production, […]

PA Extension reaches out to Hispanic and Latinx farming communities
As more people of color choose farming and agricultural careers, Cooperative Extension and other agricultural service organizations must expand their ability to serve culturally diverse groups. Pennsylvania saw a 16% increase in Hispanic and Latinx farmers and farmworkers, inspiring Elsa Sanchez of Pennsylvania State University to conduct a Northeast SARE Professional Development Grant project aimed […]

New technology for improving nitrogen management in corn
A multi-state Research and Education project, led by Cornell University’s Aaron Ristow and Harold Van Es, aimed to enhance nitrogen (N) management in corn acreage by calibrating a new tool, Adapt-N, and educating farmers about nutrient management. Adapt-N is a cloud-based computer tool that provides precise N fertilizer recommendations that account for seasonal weather conditions […]

Developing native shrubs for the green industry
University of Connecticut associate professor of ornamental horticulture Jessica Lubell explored native shrubs as replacements for invasive plants through her Northeast SARE Research and Education project. To help wholesale nursery growers looking for alternative ornamentals that perform well in the Northeast, the project combined research trials of native shrub selections with an education program to […]

Northeast pollinator conservation planning short courses
Because native bees are significant contributors to crop pollination, their integration into farm systems—through conservation or restoration of natural and semi-natural areas, as well as the protection of nest sites and prudent insecticide use—is essential to agricultural production over the long-term. Led by pollinator program co-director Eric Mader, the national environmental non-profit, The Xerces Society, […]

Maine training project focuses on interpersonal relationships for greater farm viability
Providing farmers with expert advice on production and farm management topics is the focus of much of the work conducted by Extension educators, nonprofit staff and other agricultural service providers. But what happens when the conversation with farmers veers beyond soil health, agronomy and animal husbandry to questions around communication, decision-making, goal-setting and time management? […]

Train-the-trainer program supports value-added and direct marketing education for Northeast farmers
Northeastern producers frequently consider direct marketing and value-added product development to increase revenues on the farm. Food entrepreneurship requires different skillsets than production agriculture. And, introducing value-added foods to the marketplace opens the seller to unique business liability. Therefore, it is important that farmers receive training and support to effectively set up and manage local […]

Supporting the development of agritourism in the Northeast
Northeast farmers are increasingly reliant on agritourism to expand farm income, create employment for family members, and strengthen relationships within the local community. This multi-state (NJ, VT, DE, and ME) Professional Development project, led by Brian Schilling of Rutgers University, provided training to agricultural educators to better assist the farmers with whom they work to […]

Breaking barriers: Building capacity to provide tractor education
Unskilled farm equipment operation can put farmers at serious physical and financial risk. Lack of knowledge about this equipment can limit farm scale and productivity, and therefore the farm’s ability to provide a sustainable family income. Yet new farmers (including apprentices, interns and employees) increasingly come from non-farm backgrounds and have limited experience with machinery. […]